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Nielsen Media Impact Adds Industry-Leading Advanced Segments from Scarborough’s National Dataset

3 minute read | June 2019

Key Enhancement Will Provide Industry with New Segments as Marketers Seek to Reach Their Best Consumers in a Highly-Personalized Marketplace

New York, NY – June 5, 2019 – Today, Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) announced that Nielsen Media Impact (NMI), an industry-leading national media planning and optimization solution, will be enhanced to include Nielsen Scarborough USA+’s robust set of advanced audience segments. These segments include brand preferences, retail insights, buying behaviors, and lifestyles of consumers, further allowing the industry to plan and optimize beyond age and gender. NMI enables cost effective decision making about where and when to engage audiences with advertising messages.

“To enable effective cross-media planning, you need robust solutions that provide insights on consumers’ media preferences, attitudes and behaviors,” said Anne Deo, Head of Analytics at the Ad Council. “The integration of Scarborough’s vast qualitative dataset into Nielsen Media Impact will add thousands of advanced segments we can utilize to optimize planning across our 40 public service campaigns. Being able to successfully reach our audiences, both effectively and efficiently, is vital to our ability to shift key societal attitudes and behaviors and, ultimately, create social change.”

By integrating segments from Nielsen Scarborough, a nationally representative survey that covers over 2,000 buyer categories and consumer behavior, clients will have an added opportunity to leverage these unique segments to optimize national plans across media within NMI. The intelligence behind NMI is Nielsen’s Total Media Fusion National dataset, which incorporates media usage from TV, subscription video on-demand (SVOD), video on-demand (VOD), TV-connected device, radio, digital, magazine, cinema and digital place-based media. Designed specifically for media planning and analytics, it’s the fuel for NMI and the most granular and comprehensive data available for cross-media planning.

“Media buyers and sellers are trying to be as efficient and creative as possible when it comes to planning and optimizing marketing campaigns,” said Jay Nielsen, SVP, Global Planning, Nielsen. “The addition of Scarborough’s advanced audience segments into our national version of Nielsen Media Impact enables greater levels of precision to buyers and sellers looking to plan and execute more efficient media transactions against the consumer they care most about.”

NMI includes insights into historical media behavior, predictive analytics from its planning module to understand the future impact of media and a target analyzer to understand and further dimensionalize your target audience. Along with cross-media planning, NMI offers reach and time spent reports as well as the ability to analyze any desired time frame, such as a week or month.

About Nielsen

Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN) is a global measurement and data analytics company that provides the most complete and trusted view available of consumers and markets worldwide. Our approach marries proprietary Nielsen data with other data sources to help clients around the world understand what’s happening now, what’s happening next, and how to best act on this knowledge. For more than 90 years Nielsen has provided data and analytics based on scientific rigor and innovation, continually developing new ways to answer the most important questions facing the media, advertising, retail and fast-moving consumer goods industries.

An S&P 500 company, Nielsen has operations in over 100 countries, covering more than 90% of the world’s population. For more information, visit



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