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Nielsen Launches Digital Ad Ratings In Hong Kong

4 minute read | March 2017

Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Brings Accountability and Accelerates Growth of Hong Kong’s Digital Advertising Market

Hong Kong – March 7, 2017 – Nielsen (NYSE:NLSN) today announced the launch of Digital Ad Ratings in Hong Kong in collaboration with Facebook, further expanding the solution’s global footprint and setting the industry standard for digital campaign measurement.

Digital Ad Ratings, powered by aggregated, anonymous information from the world’s largest third-party demographic databases and Nielsen’s industry-leading calibration sources, provides demographics, unique audience, reach, frequency and gross rating points (GRPs) for a campaign’s total digital audience across computers, tablets and smartphones in a way comparable to TV. 

The solution will bring accountability and comparability for Hong Kong’s brand marketers, advertising agencies, platforms and publishers who have been seeking measurement to better understand the total audience of their digital campaigns across devices so they can maximize their advertising reach across digital platforms. Nielsen first launched Digital Ad Ratings in the US in August 2011, and is now widely available in 29 markets. In May 2015, Nielsen teamed up with Tencent and Sina Weibo to launch Digital Ad Ratings in the Chinese mainland. Powered by the largest user databases and the highest quality panel, Digital Ad Ratings is setting a new industry standard for digital audience measurement in the Chinese mainland market. “We are so glad Nielsen has expanded its Digital Ad Ratings to Hong Kong because until now, Hong Kong marketers have had no means to measure whether the advertising was effectively delivered to the audiences they seek. By combining massive, privacy-friendly third party demographic databases with gold-standard calibration, Nielsen will provide an unmatched view of standardized audience demographics and behavioral preferences,” said Angel Young, Managing Director of Nielsen Hong Kong & Macau.

“Digital Ad Ratings is just a start. Our goal is to provide both programme and commercial ratings across all screens, covering in-and outside-of-home,” said Young. “Nielsen’s Total Ad Ratings offering is unique in three different ways: massive panel size through unique big data source, one single source panel and it is ready to launch.”

In Hong Kong’s heavily mobile market, it’s imperative that measurement reflects market needs by providing unduplicated reach across computers and mobile devices. With Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings, marketers will be able to better plan and measure their digital audiences with like-for-like reach and frequency metrics across screens to get a deeper understanding of the connection between online and mobile separately and together.

“Nielsen is a very experienced research company in Hong Kong. Digital Ad Ratings has provided valuable insights in the US and other markets where it has been launched. Digital Ad Ratings will further drive our confidence in the credibility of digital performance for the Hong Kong market,” Carina Yip, General Manager-Digital Sales, Next Mobile. 

“Nielsen has long been a trusted measurement party in the industry. With Digital Ad Ratings, Nielsen has developed the measurement solution based on people, not cookies. It also provides cross-device measurement, which is much desired by the market and by our clients,” said Bryan Wang, Head of Marketing Science, Facebook, Greater China.

“These tools will allow us to convert frequency and media exposure into a common definition and standard that enables us to compare traditional and digital channels. This ability will help us adapt to an evolving new world by enabling us to identify the optimal mix of media that covers both traditional and digital and gives us the right ROI,” said Alan Choy, Marketing Director of Specialized Nutrition, FrieslandCampina Hong Kong. “Nielsen has the credibility and expertise needed to establish a common standard, especially for something across traditional and digital media. I think the entire market will be on board.”

About NielsenNielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN) is a global performance management company that provides a comprehensive understanding of what consumers Watch and Buy. Nielsen’s Watch segment provides media and advertising clients with Total Audience measurement services across all devices where content—video, audio and text—is consumed. The Buy segment offers consumer packaged goods manufacturers and retailers the industry’s only global view of retail performance measurement. By integrating information from its Watch and Buy segments and other data sources, Nielsen provides its clients with both world-class measurement as well as analytics that help improve performance.  Nielsen, an S&P 500 company, has operations in over 100 countries that cover more than 90% of the world’s population. For more information, visit

CONTACT:Cheryl Wen,, +852 6772 8517 (mobile)